Oracle? How many billions do they charge to monitor Tiktok?
Oracle? How many billions do they charge to monitor Tiktok?
Finally, ASMR phone calls.
Jägerschnitzel is breaded Jagdwurst with noodles and ketchup.
Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
That’s like reaching the top of Mount Everest with oxygen and fixed ropes. You can only brag until you talk to a /real/ climber.
Should have worn a blue/gold dress.
No weird electrical glitches in those dogs…
I really miss mfa and guides like this one. They made it easy to look like everyone else and gave a reason to look doen on people without a dimple in their tie or oddly coloured socks.
I stopped caring and just wear ehat I like. I look great.
Next year they will show a VHS recording of the robot reading the generated worthless speech.
No Netflix, only chill.
They all look the same?
These fake cisco devices might be less vulnerable than the real devices.
To avoid fakes, the statements will be accompanied by a QR code linking them to text versions on the ministry’s website.
Great idea, since everyone will check if the URL behind the code is the legit foreign ministry. Nobody would use a URL shortener and redirect everyone to
You could also spend a lot of money for it to have power over the people who are in it.
Please make a new 8910
If the twos are very small, it might be a heavy three.
Do all the politicians sleep in prison?
Like many things, freedom of press hasn’t been great for a long time…
I thought you meant the card game…
safe /for us/ super AI