Europe didn’t send their best went they founded America…
Railing on the top bunk could be a hanging risk.
Depends on the type of cell they were housed in. May have been an observation or dry cell.
Who are the individuals paying to commission this torture?
Definitely needs to be some investigation into the ‘consumer’ here.
Ulvade voted back in the same sheriff that was in charge at the time of the massacre.
No sympathy for people complaining there has been no accountability.
Eucharist, not even once.
There are several examples of brothers and sisters who were adopted to separate families then become couples later in life unknowingly.
Just google it.
That’s the conspiracy, yes.
The Aldi Brie is very good.
I think every meme community could use a little Katter to be honest.
For anyone requiring context, both of these men are federal parliament members in Australia.
Don’t fuck with the French.
People forget they were a super power for centuries.
Who would have guessed the man who found success by counting to 100,000 isn’t a well developed people manager and leader?
Seems like a win for workers to me.
I’d like to hear from some of the Panera Bread employees about what type of boss Flynn is.
You’re a woman?
Well that can’t be right I’ve always operated under the assumption that on the internet the men are men, the women are men and the children are the FBI…
It’s infuriating.
How can you live in that community and be happy with this as an outcome?
Zero accountability for anyone with the blood of literal children on their hands but I’m sure they’ll go after the corrupting influence of ‘woke’ Democrats.
Cool and normal.
Yes but technically you’re saying there is a chance I could be hit on by either of those people?
Use Firefox.
This is the easiest problem to solve.