Wallfacer Diaz?..
Wallfacer Diaz?..
I have a deep desire to resurrect the vegan struggle session every time I see people tone policing us on this website, but we live in 1984 and I know the mods would remove it smh-ing my head
This post kinda scares me. Like the way you frame NPD is that if someone is diagnosed the only moral course of action is to never form relationships with anyone ever because you simply can’t do so without hurting them. This turns any attempt at self reflection from someone with NPD into another form of manipulation and frames rehabilitation impossible. You would condemn someone to a lifetime of isolation from a singular diagnosis. It just doesn’t sit right with me.
Okay my bad, I do like all of these lol
strange creatures
As somebody who works with lottery daily, yes. As soon as it is reported as stolen (all vendors [really should] keep strict inventories on their lottery and basically treat it as they would cash), all stolen tickets will be invalidated and they will notnbe redeamable.
Oh, just a silly reference to the sifi series “Rememberance of Earth’s Past” by Lui CiXin. A character, Manuel Rey Diaz, makes a convoluted dead man’s switch device in order to attempt to defend against an impending alien invasion. Incredible series, highly recommend 😁