If the domain registration lapses and a malicious actor was to pick it up it could cause issues potentially.
If the domain registration lapses and a malicious actor was to pick it up it could cause issues potentially.
Being a long term patient of neurologists (migraines, seizures) and having a wife who works in neurology I tend to believe the doctor she worked with who stated that once you have migraines, all headaches are a migraine clinically. They’re just more or lwwa debilitating based on severity.
Interesting, I’ve always categorized them by whether they go away from standard painkillers or if I need to use rizatriptan. Migraines are much more frequent for me than normal headaches but I still do have ones that go away when I take some tylenol or ibuprofen. I’ve been lucky so far that my migraines almost always go away after 1 rizatriptan, and I’ve never had one make it past a second one.
Your user image shows up fine for me, but OP’s doesn’t.
I’m super lucky to have a couple of close friends who I know I can call on. When my dad was dying of cancer at the end of last year, they both took turns coming over so I had company as a distraction 3-4 nights a week. After he passed they even took time off from their jobs and traveled out of town to his funeral while refusing my attempts to pay for their hotel rooms. I’m eternally grateful for them and I don’t know how I would’ve made it through that without them.
Keep fighting the good fight. In my experience with SRE/automation work, people tend to fight change just because it’s change and not realize just how much time they’re spending on toil and similar tasks.
In Canada employees may have a limited expectation of privacy on work computers.
Quoting from this article, which references the same supreme court case as the above article: