You call me a youth, I’m only 29, and have been biking at night since I was 19.
She/Her pronouns only please.
The same CounselingTechie from
I like to garden and try to find ways to bring joy and hope into my world.
You call me a youth, I’m only 29, and have been biking at night since I was 19.
100%, the world is better at night. I am aware where I live there are more dangers, I have had to push myself to go as fast as I could in the past to get away from some people who were out at night, but the majority of the time I have found that the night-life is the best time to go out.
Very nice!
Thank you! Where I am we should get that still, so I think it will be good to experiment at least!
Hmm, alright then. How best would you say to go about practicing?
I am debating if I wanted to try a second time around with the onions, but maybe try more Egyptian Walking Onions instead of traditional white onions; however, I also have debated if I wanted to just switch to the next in the set for crop rotations. I have decided that next year I am going to attempt crop rotations with my four major sub-sections, being two sets of pots, and two raised beds.
I do not have pictures right now, but my plants are doing better. A few more of my peppers in my larger pots are beginning to fruit with more flowers, and a few tomatoes are beginning as well. I feared that my watermelons were dying, but they are back to life and flourishing right now. With my beds themselves, two of my three tomatoes in the beds are doing alright with one doing better than the other, while the middle tomato plant is dead as dirt for some reason. Similarly my onion bed did not survive the storming we had a week or two ago. Sadly I am going to need to figure out the plan there. My indoor tomatoes and indoor onions though are doing very well!
I admit I only recently begun to learn about the concept of crop rotation, but it is one that I am attempting to incorporate into this year with my garden. Especially with me having 16 plants specifically in large pots instead of my raised beds, I have to be more aware of that practice.
Hmm, alright then. I did not actually know that, thank you!
I see your invention and raise you one even older! A stick.
Living in an agricultural community where several of the ranches and farms have artificial ponds, I almost wonder how well this would work there. Extra plants and harvest but also the shade created by the plants in theory may help combat some of the evaporation.
Of course! If you have any questions feel free to post around here too! There are a few different places to get seeds or plants from that are container friendly, which can help for something easy to work with.
Yep! they are also good because they are a deep root watering too! I used the ollas last years for my dynamite peppers and banana peppers, and they were wonderful honestly.
Honestly, one thing to look at would be using ollas, or terracotta pots that irrigate the plants for you. It is an easy way to once to twice a week water your plants. I use it almost exclusively in my gardens because my work schedule is too hectic sometimes for daily watering, plus it is much more effective in deep-root watering.
Getting the last set of pots this weekend, got large terracotta ones that I am going to be having ollas in with some container style tomatoes and peppers. Maximizing space without necessarily building more raised beds as I don’t have the stuff for that, right now. Waiting on one of the local stores to get plants started for selling so that I can transplant them into my garden beds. Going to try okra this year! Determined to see how it works!
Very nice with the ground cherries!
That is so amazing!!
I got my tomato seeds for my various types I am going to be growing, and then also am going to attempt growing okra! I also got my classic herbs, some peppers, some onions, and garlics too.
Starting indoors then will transfer as necessary.
The car’s driver AI is becoming more human-like in running down cyclists, that is just concerning.
I agree with this statement. Exercising had always been something that helped to ground my mind and improve my mindset; however, I had to learn how to not overdo it as a means of self-harm which I had done for a time too.
I am hoping this year to get my second set of raised beds built as well as a few more planters and even a set of trellises this year. I have improvements to attempt from last year’s tomatoes, peppers, onions, and okra, to make it better this year, and will be including as well some corn, beans, and even maybe some lettuce in the later part of the season.
Also going to grow flowers including wildflowers for pollinators, and milkweed. I want to begin working on the yard moreto make it nicer. This will be my third summer and third year that I’ve had this house, I intend to do more.