Great game.
Did this exist before or after worms?
Great game.
Did this exist before or after worms?
I’m my country they made it illegal to market fast food directly to kids. It may not be a choice, it may be regulatory.
What is the skeuomorphism here? Because I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
I don’t think climate change will prevent reaching that number, but it will increase the suffering. If we don’t start reversing climate change I believe we will try to adapt to it until we reach the limit of our ability to adapt before we perish. If we are lucky, a small fraction of the species will survive long enough for something to be able to change, but I’m talking a really long time.
Let’s get. Together. Katamari on the funk
That’s a plus. I drove a hire car with a joystick/dial/button thing that could control the touch screen. It was so much easier to pay attention to driving while controlling something on screen. With touch screens you need to watch your finger as you press because there’s no tactile feedback.
Ultrasonic wireless communication has been a thing for years. The scary part is you can’t even hear when it’s happening.
That was Game of Thrones for me. I watched to first episode, didn’t like it, despite my friends telling me I just have to get through the first 2 seasons and then it’s really good.
That’s not a good show. That’s Stockholm syndrome.
On the flip side, I do feel like this for The Expense. First season felt like a slog, but the rest of the show is amazing. A lot of people love the first season though, so I guess that’s just my preference. I honestly feel the story for the whole first season should have been done in one or two episodes.
Yea. I’m sure they will be humbled like the people of North Korea, who think their supernatural leader invented hamburgers and the electric guitar.
After his own offer to rescue the children was turned down
Hit the nail on the head.
The game is designed around making you feel like Aragon or Legolas, taking on dozens of orcs in stylish fight choreography, and I love every second of it.
Windows started life as a window manager that you installed on top of MS-DOS. It has since grown to be much more, and I don’t think you can criticise it for that.
Also, changing the visual theme is their prerogative. They are not required to supply a “classic” theme, even though they did do that a bunch of times.
I get Lemmy is the bird around here, but if you’re going to bad mouth Windows, at least do it for the many legitimate problems it has.
Windows 8 was when MS were trying to break into the phone OS market to complete with Android and iOS. They wanted to have the “same OS” across phone, tablet, and desktop, which isn’t a terrible idea except for the fact you need to betray your entire desktop customer base to get there.
My favourite part of Linux cli is you only know you’ve done something when you get no feedback at all.
Sad story.
That’s enough money to have a good life and provide a good life to your loved ones. If he never finds it, he is a crazy man. If he finds it he is a smart man. A normal person can’t earn that much in a lifetime. Even a miniscule chance of finding it could drive someone to obsession.
For the sake of his sanity, and for a good story, I hope he finds it, but I doubt he will.
“unplugged nation” is certainly one way to describe what happened. The monkey very briefly became part of the electricity grid, is another.
It looks as much like a hummingbird as a cloud can look like an elephant. The viewer has already been prompted to see a hummingbird, and humans are very good at finding a pattern in something random. I can easily believe it to be real, but I’m not sold on the idea that it particularly resembles anything significant.
It’s just a show. You should really just relax.
No such thing as a fish