Blaaah, time to switch!
I just don’t care 🙌
I seriously couldn’t give two fucks about supporting influencers or tech companies. Uploaders can pay for the infrastructure for all I care. Like people use to host websites out of passion, now everything is about profits, and politics, why would I want to support that? Why should I give two fucks about making someone else rich?
Fuck that shit. You can get cracked copies of the YouTube App that give a much better experience.
Do you not get cravings for food?
Eating is enjoyable, and to eat different foods is a different experience. Different smells, tastes, textures. Some people enjoy the experience of eating meat, they enjoy the taste, the texture. When they quit eating meat for ethical issues they still remember that they enjoyed meat.
So if you enjoy eating meat and only stopped due to the ethical issues, why wouldn’t you create a substitute?
It’s like a lesbian! Just because you aren’t attracted to a man, or don’t want to be with one, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a dildo.
Parents didn’t beat me enough as a kid.
Can this power be taught?
Who said it’s stopping the sub from functioning?
I get that someone hoarding subs is uncool
So you know your questions are stupid?
Does that mean you believe society is now more right leaning then it was 40 years ago?
Pretty much any non-Marxist economists will favor “the market” over workers.
Just going to point out that “the market” is people’s freedom of choice compounded across society.
Neoliberalism, the predominant ideology in most western countries, is seen as an alternative to conservatism (very much so in the US), but they’re centrists at best, and conservative-lite at worst.
It’s almost like political parties are tied to the values of their voters.
God I hope you’re 13 if you’re throwing ‘boomer’ around 😂
Keto jacked my libido thank you very much! I could probably murder an elk with my dick.
Hard to grasp as in, you’re against animal cruelty, but still, you’d like to eat products that resemble meat.
This seems pretty simple to me, plant based alternatives looking like meat doesn’t make them equitable to animal cruelty.
Why would something be stopping them from posting?
If you’re completely exhausted after your day it’s possible something deeper is going on
Bad in what respect?
Is Drew Carey turning into George Lucas?
There’s different degrees of harm. We all live in society, that means our choices impact other people. The electronics powering the infrastructure we’re using are full of cobalt picked by child hands. You can’t eat almonds without contributing to death.
There’s a significant difference between punching someone in the face vs posting a Facebook article. And in my opinion, trying to exert control over the expression of others is a much more deliberate and direct act.
Sorry, I’m going to try to be less argumentative 😅
Misinformation has a direct cost in lives and money. So it seems to me to be morally good to stop it.
I personally consider things like freedom of thought, freedom of choice, and freedom of expression to be pretty sacred, and to restrict those is a massive ethics issue.
Either way, no one is a citizen of Facebook or Meta. Those platforms can police their content in whatever lawful ways they desire, and if they want to police misinformation that’s no one’s business but their own.
The problem is we do have government putting pressure on tech companies to implement these polices. Zuckerberg has been infront of Congress multiple times. To me that’s just a loop hole.
And why can’t I have an opinion on how Meta polices their information?
People can still consume any information they like. But expecting and requiring Facebook or Meta to be that place seems pretty silly to me.
In this instance though Meta is downgrading their department.
okay, okay, okay, okay… So hear this… We don’t even hold our elected officials accountable for what they say, but we’re pushing restrictions on what citizens can talk about?
Fuck that shit.
People are pissed about Trump, and anti-vax, and whatever else, and are scared of the effect of misinformation, but have you notice our demographics haven’t actually changed? Neither Republicans nor Democrats really have a hand up in elections.
So why are we restricting people’s freedoms of what information they consume?