Much more involved but you could give it a resin or a CA glue finish. That would involve some hand sanding and polishing potentially but would be way stronger
Much more involved but you could give it a resin or a CA glue finish. That would involve some hand sanding and polishing potentially but would be way stronger
Wastes of Xhorhas on the way to Bazzoxan actually lol I’m running Call of the Netherdeep campaign
The cheapo ones from Walmart too
They aren’t, just decorative, but holy shit why didn’t I think of that
Sounds like you need a break from video games tbh. If you like the role-playing accepts you might try Dnd or another TTRPG.
The galactic civil war…
Slash hopefully having their name in national headlines associated with a terror attack on the US capital thins future job prospects
There’s no real market for what the middle class of 1980 would consider fancy anymore. Either you make just enough to splurge on the 2-ply paper or you make so much that anything less than 1000$ is chump change in the eyes of the market
Most men that age went to war
Verizon at least has a block by area code setting and that’s saved me a lot of headache
Not from a star wars crossover unfortunately. This is absolute Batman, a Bruce Wayne who is just a city engineer not a billionaire so he makes all his gear from what he can find
Add it on the pile hoss, there’s a lot of shit to shovel
“She is strong and he is scared”
That and smiles. Feels like a superpower just giving people genuine smiles and watching their whole face change
Love how Bethesda scanned her face years ago to be part of the next Elder Scrolls game and we’re still waiting
It does make sense but that’s because we made it to make sense. We experience the universe through cause and effect, so we’ve created the concept of time to follow that chain. Now we look at time as some constant through the universe but is it really? We can observe matter popping in and out of existence at the subatomic scale that ignore the rules that we observe galaxies obey so how can we be sure time follows the same cause and effect everywhere?
In other words i see the Many Worlds Theory as a useful tool in describing the results of different permutations of the universe but as countless independent universes in which only one thing was ultimately changed existing all at once? Seems a bit of a long shot to my underinformed opinion