Sold a Warhammer Box to a random guy via this countries version of craigslist, asked whether he wanted to play sometime, already played a round with him and his friends.
So pretty randomly made some new friends :)
Sold a Warhammer Box to a random guy via this countries version of craigslist, asked whether he wanted to play sometime, already played a round with him and his friends.
So pretty randomly made some new friends :)
Interesting take. Completely disagree though.
How do you place shows like Monster, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Hellsing Ultimate, etc?
Because IMHO they are very good, and definitely don’t consider them for children.
This will only lead to you eventually reading the Silmarillion, and putting your husband in his place with even more obscure Tolkien trivia.
As someone with a split spacebar, for me it is: backspace | delete | space
it really is the one thing I cannot go back on.
I’m guessing Chapelle. Who was great back in the day. The new stuff? Ehhh. He is less funny and seems out of touch to me, like when he brought Musk on stage, and then proceeded to riff on his own audience for booing
What if you lose your eye in an accident? What if you lose your finger or hand?
I mean, I do make coffee myself… But good coffeebeans do come at a premium.