My love for unions eclipses my hatred for the TSA on this one.
My love for unions eclipses my hatred for the TSA on this one.
Stick it between the prong of an electric plug, then plug into an outlet. Instafried
Ultimately the police and military lean heavily Republican, especially at the leadership level. That means they can push things farther than the Dems.
This might be one of the few cases where the Supreme Court might rule against Trump because it means they keep their power.
Not necessarily. Just have to be far enough away from everything that people don’t care.
JIMMY CARTER: “Well, as you may know, I had a policy when I was president of not selling weapons if it would exacerbate a potential conflict in a region of the world, and some of our allies were very irate about this policy. And I have to say that I was not, you know, as thoroughly briefed about what was going on in East Timor as I should have been. I was more concerned about other parts of the world then.”
That sounds like a completely believable explanation to me. I can completely believe that that the military advisors didn’t give him the full picture of what was happening there.
Or a black market forms
They don’t intend for there to be a “next” administration.
Remember, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.
My rescue is fighting cancer and I dread waking up and finding out she’s gone. It’s become all about maintaining quality of life for her and it sounds like your boy had the best life. You gave him the best gift any human could give a dog.
Adrenaline makes your hands shaky and the target was moving.
Free speech as long as you say what I want you to say.
My pessimistic side tells me that the judges see themselves as the same class as the CEOs. They can “overlook” a lot of problems with a case if they choose.
They might be counting on it pushing more people to subscribe to Prime to keep cheaper shipping. They have their own distribution system so they can do the last mile if they want.
Living in white suburbia and cable news mostly.
They’re farming it now?!
When I found out my mom voted for Trump the first time, I didn’t speak to her for a year. I only did then because she reached out to say she was wrong (a first for her).
When I explained (more like yelled) why I wasn’t going to have anything to do with her, I told her in detail how she was betraying everything she raised me to be. She used to sponsor the LGBT club at the school where she worked and I told her she was betraying all those kids she said she cared about.
It isn’t a choice between you and Trump. It is a choice between your dad being the type of man he raised you to be, or not.
They don’t give a fuck about the last mile deliveries. Without USPS keeping prices low, they will be able to rank up what they charge. It’s a dream for them.
It seems to me that what he did to Twitter was a dry run for what he is doing to the government. Buy it, gut it, and leave a useless shell populated by white supremacists.
On the optimistic side, I think it’s likely a gene treatment is developed that greatly extends the lives of dogs.