What an awful day to have eyes, that’s one of the worst sentences I’ve read in a minute. “For now” is the unwanted garnish on that particular turd sandwich, he should be banned from practicing medicine anywhere as fast as humanly possible!
What an awful day to have eyes, that’s one of the worst sentences I’ve read in a minute. “For now” is the unwanted garnish on that particular turd sandwich, he should be banned from practicing medicine anywhere as fast as humanly possible!
Why did it take reading about right-wing nutters to let me know about bacon-wrapped asparagus?! How am I this late to that particular party? Or is that a thing only for the fash?
Yeah, you gotta let it load sometimes
And comes all over it’s back?
That’s a tune. I need to listen to more of them, I only really came to know them because of their Stayin’ Alive cover, but the more I hear, the more I like them
Everybody gangsta ‘til Gavin rolls up with the claymore broadside
Oooh baby I like it
Middle of the next debate, right in the forehead. Needs a good walk-off one liner to follow it though, that’s probably the biggest obstacle for him
How the fuck did he get a horse on the flight in the first place?
300kt is quite the warning shot. It’s verging on just being a shooty shot
Rarely arrives lubed
Is he now the remaster chief?
Aren’t Mildly Anxious Minnows playing Glastonbury this year?
Father of the gulag, founder of the Beatles
Climate change is a real problem, we need to be very worried about what kind of a world we leave for Keith Richards
James Acaster has entered the chat
Glad to see the Met taking the initiative and getting as many as possible in one place, by employing them
I reckon watching the video by the civil-engineering-focused YouTube channel would be a good way to find out
Much like Israel used US missiles to kill people in Palestine, no?
He only wants it for marketplace. I can sympathise, that’s where all the really good awful car deals are, and cheap tools that I don’t need, but really want