But where else are they supposed to spend all that hard-earned money from scamming senior citizens
But where else are they supposed to spend all that hard-earned money from scamming senior citizens
Yeah but could you imagine having residential on the top floor and then shopping and possibly daycare on the bottom floor? You could have targets and grocery stores and all sorts of other shit in there and it would probably pay for itself in a very short amount of time
That was really interesting. I was always wondering why we didn’t just convert old abandoned shopping malls into residential / shopping districts
I know it has nothing to do with your adorable pup, but I just wanted to say that I love your yard and the fact that it’s Clover instead of just regular grass. Go bees!
I had no idea of the type of weaving involved with those. That’s pure insanity
It makes me really sad because my girl passed away last year and my boy is getting bored and wants a friend but I just can’t afford to pay for the food. I’ve been thinking about fostering senior pitbulls instead because I would have a better chance of hanging on to them until they passed away if I fostered seniors. At least the Foster company pays for any medical treatment and food that the dog needs
To be fair I would say worse things about prosperity gospel preachers