truth warrior fighting against the forces of oppression and ai and control and also hillary clinton in a world gone mad patriot defender of our great nation AMERICA and freeze peach
warning my content may be triggering to snowflakes and libtards so proceed with caution
it was davel and it was for being a liberal
i need to know who downvoted me so i can ban them
is she really
dicks spoons out for harambe free speech 🥄🥄🥄
Feel free to call me a pos
this feels like a trap
not telling
i agree with this
i started a free speech community and theres no downvoting allowed which encourages healthy arguing instead of comments just getting buried in downvotes or removed
these are clearly mislabeled
holy fuck thats clever
it took my 5 minutes to get this
oh yeah well you have a cheek whistle face
yeah i frigging hate germans they all deserve nothing but downvotes if they even try to write in english
sounds like youve made an enemy ive got at least one of those thats why i changed my name to not chad mctruth and put on a disguise and i think its working so far
edit oh no
op pls attribute your content sources
people arent a monolith sparkles okay both can be true at the same time
its only for because sometimes when celebrities on the internet make you mad or when your kid doesnt understand taxes or also when your nephew tries to explain taxes to you
i hit my nephew one time for trying to explain taxes to me
gaslight them back
for example
and then if they deny it just claim they deleted it or even make a fake screenshot
all you need is your audience to believe you instead of them you just have to make them look bad