Honestly I feel like anyone who doesn’t play video games in 2023 is out of touch but that might just be my internet native speaking
Honestly I feel like anyone who doesn’t play video games in 2023 is out of touch but that might just be my internet native speaking
I really really want to play it but idk if I can justify a ps5
I’ve been cleaning though some games that I had only partially completed in anticipation that I will need more hard drive space come september. Finished the dlcs for both Spiderman and Horizon zero dawn which I quite enjoyed, and now I’m playing far cry 6 which is okay but definitely not living up to it’s own potential.
Like there’s an impending economic shift coming due and the powers that be are doing everything they can to try and prevent it. Unfortunately for them this is inevitable.
I’m kinda divided on how I feel about the settlements; I don’t like them, but not because of the system itself, but rather how it plays into the wider gameplay loop. If Bethesda made a game where building a settlement was the core feature of the game, and the story and quests revolved around it, I think I would have liked it alot more. But as they stand right now settlements feel like a tedious tacked on feature that adds nothing.
Alot of b tier games that I don’t think hit their true potential; just cause, infamous, red faction, sleeping dogs.
Edit: also splinter cell
Human revolution
No I like the term beat, not because it’s accurate but because it’s like a tradition, it’s part of the culture of the medium. Beating a game is a triumph, something to celebrate and be proud of, not just checking off a to-do list.
I don’t think I could give an answer I wouldn’t walk back on later, I’m just happy to see such an interesting and competitive year for the industry. Really hope this trend continues.
Yeah it would be cool if they could breakdown what the cost per user per month is, I’d be willing to pay for myself and a few others regularly
Personally it’s never effected me but it feels like a really dumb decision made by ignorant suits. The fact that pirates get a better product than paying customers is pretty sad.
I don’t understand why br games always focus on being fast, that’s exactly the opposite of what I would want out of that experience. If I want a fast action game I can play any team death match, a br game is something that I want to get invested into my run to raise the stakes for the end.
Man I cannot wait for it to finally come to pc, looks like a true next gen game
Man this question isn’t even fair there are so many fantastic soundtracks in gaming I could literally go on for hours about them.
Doom, Mass Effect, Halo, Skyrim, Ratchet and Clank, Assassin’s creed(3 especially), Divinity original sin 2, pathfinder: wrath of the righteous, monster hunter, league of legends(all of riot games really), darktide, sonic, payday, witcher, Spiderman, Zelda, cyberpunk, megaman, final fantasy, Devil may cry, metal gear, undertale
that’s just what I think of off the top of my head, there could easily be an entire sub just dedicated to the topic
Massive entertainment made the division, will probably be a 3rd person cover shooter like gears or mass effect.
For right now I don’t think it would be fair to say one way or another. Most of the communities are pretty generalist because there’s not a ton of users so you’ll get alot of different opinions on just about any topic. It’s going to be awhile before Lemmy has a dedicated Nintendo community or any specific hobbiest groups for that matter.
Personally I’m mostly neutral on nintendo, I dont care for many of their games myself(except for some of the casual party games) but my sister is a big fan so I’m able to appreciate them through her. I’m sure many others probably feel similarly.
With Bethesda making an entire galaxy for this game the next elder scrolls has got to come out alot quicker right? Going back to a single province(or maybe even a few) has to be a walk in the park by comparison Huff’s more copium
Yes, I’m really upset about it. It feels like i’ve had so much taken away from me over my life and I was always willing to accept it and move on, but to see something so simple and innocent get taken away seems just so pointless and depressing. Like why am I not allowed to just have my little shitposting community? is it too much that I get to smile without some capitalist coke rat getting a payday? I hate this so much and there is nothing I can do about it. I will mourn for awhile, until I cant even remember why im upset anymore, and when I wake up tommorrow the world will be just a little bit worse. it always is.
Few hundred years into the future, interested to see what people get up to