I shit post all the time and am not yet a CEO billionaire. You’ve been debunked.
I shit post all the time and am not yet a CEO billionaire. You’ve been debunked.
Their cumming what?
Pokémon art for the pals, Ark style gameplay
Oklahoma where the furries come yiffing down the planes
Thanks to torrents, you can have your cake shit and eat it, too!
Also batteries lose capacity, making them finite as well
They’re worse because they’re just as tough but taste of fruit for all of 5 seconds as opposed to salty smoky bacon flavor
I feel you, I had to put my wife of 15 years down as well
Since it’s one or the other, we can assume the objective value of the red pill is $10mil. So, you take the blue pill and use that $10mil to make another $10mil and then you buy the red pill and save it until you’re about to die in a boss battle.
Instructions unclear, I am pregernate
Do not let generational gaps fool you, most people are idiots
And there are only 2000 fluent speakers of Hawaiian, let’s go colonialism!
‘Okina only precede vowels and I think you’re confused about pahoahoa, it’s pahoehoe. Good job on a‘a, though!
Only if you can guarantee the rectal spotting
This just in: Obese Man perpetually on the couch isn’t going to finish the marathon, experts say.
15 of 24, just throw me into the fires of Mt. Doom
Silence is violets