Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normie and my windows runs fine.
Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normie and my windows runs fine.
Biden could send American troops but he can’t allocate funding, congress holds the purse strings.
This is going to really depend on the state, but no most do not require any appliances be provided. California does not require a fridge to consider the property “livable” so I doubt not providing a washer and dryer would make a rental “unlivable” in most US states.
Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
The old guy should have never run for a second term so we could have had a chance at an actual full dedemocratic campaign out of someone.
Can confirm, I am a windows user and if my laptop came with Linux preinstalled, the way it had windows preinstalled, I’d be a Linux user.
If I ever have to Google what the hell a kernel is then I have read everything else available on the internet.
I can confirm the military still takes its drug tests seriously. If a soldier ate that pizza and got drug tested (military loves a surprise drug test) they could have gotten in very serious career ending levels of trouble.
My father use to send me into the voting booth with my mother to make sure she “remembered” who to vote for…no election officials ever stopped me from going in there and I was too young to understand that I was a spy. My father’s not violent but I’m sure I wasn’t the only child spy being used by men who were.
How the hell do you explain this to a new job or your parole officer? “Someone drugged me with weed and I didn’t know! I swear!”
This could mess up some people’s lives
Quinoa and then each individual escaped piece sticks to everything like glue.
Not who you were talking to but most people who have a PC at home aren’t installing an OS on it. They’re using windows cause that’s what came out of the box. Most of us windows users wouldn’t go out of our way to install windows if Linux came preprogrammed. It’s more convenient to not install any damn thing.
That sounds like a user error issue. I use windows at home and work and I also haven’t seen a blue screen in years.
Sherlock sorta did it. I don’t think those two ever got together?
Edit: I did very much mean Elementary
Nobody is arguing that all movies need to remove violence or sexy? Where are you even getting that from?
But no one here is arguing the problem is inherently with sex or romance…you pulled that assumption out of your ass. The entire point of this thread is that unnecessary sex or violence is a crutch of bad film making…
There are a lot of people who believe in an afterlife and they don’t shoot themselves in the head. You need to have a certain level of mental illness/suicidal ideation going on for that to make sense. It’s pretty insane that you’re trying to make this a “youth are too dumb to understand suicide” thing.
Also a bunch of the people in Jonestown were directly murdered.
Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.
Was that cause of the cost? Didnt Elon come out claiming lidar was a “crutch” or something?
Ammo starts to degrade after about 10-20 years assuming your storing it well. Which is less likely to be true in the “end times”. 2 decades is a long time but depending on your age it’s not a life time, and firing damaged ammo can be dangerous.
A lot of these militia guys also don’t learn the survival tasks they consider feminine. How many know any sort of gathering skills, cooking anything not meat based, laundry, mending clothes? Those are probably more day to day useful during the apocalypse than rifle shooting or how to wear camo paint.
That person is probably thinking of European size stores. I think grocery stores in the US might just be bigger on average than they are in Sweden? We have some big mega stores here compared to Europe.