Penis. I can say penis. Can you say penis?
Penis. I can say penis. Can you say penis?
All UK machines, phones, and servers should just remove all root certificates. Can’t trust encryption right?
Then they wouldn’t have to interact with any part of the encrypted internet.
My understanding is 32-bit PhysX games are broken.
64-bit compiled games are fine.
Nice! You should read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks if you like Fantasy novels.
Childless but many of my friends have kids and seeing that top panel… Just… lol.
“this is a tool, not a toy”
How many times have I heard that said, or even said it myself, to children.
It’s not that seamless depending on the content you usually consume.
I feel like I keep seeing the same single livestream trying to sell me a phone charger, and then roughly the same 5 or 6 videos trying to sell me a specific product over and over again.
As long as I don’t report or say “I keep seeing this ad” it will show me the same ones so they are easy to skip.
Usually it’s something I started watching until I realized it was an ad, but because I started watching it one time it thinks I’m interested so it will continually show it to me.
Once you spot them they are easy to skip. (at least, until they get better at masking then and then it will get harder).
That’s a separate issue from requiring internet access / cloud / their servers to be online to print.
If you’re open to sci-fi:
Nathan Lowell - Smuggler Series (3 books, starting with milk run) or Trader Series (first 6 books, starting with quarter share)
Smuggler has more… Intrigue and whatnot. Trader is pretty straightforward and “feel good”, iirc.
I would say read both series to those points before going further with the Seeker Series and later books. I forget where in the series but at some point the characters cross paths so having read both series before then helps it all fit together.
Pretty sure that’s the internet archive which takes snapshots of websites.
You’re looking at the website x.com waaaay back in 1997, where they said they aren’t nearly the worst website on the internet. As opposed to now, where it is a cesspool of toxicity.
Sore arm and bit of a fever overnight. Very mild but felt like it was radiating from my arm.
Got flu and covid are the same time in the same arm.
Pretty sure they have also both won prior awards.
Huh. 2022 Terraria won labour of love. Stardew Valley has won other awards but not labour of love that I can see.
No no they’re just milking them…
Oh yeah okay. Fuck Nestlé.
From Alberta but not working there anymore. Found out somewhat recently, specifically in regards to Software, APEGA lost their protection on the word Engineer. Again, specifically in regards to Software.
YTV is the Youth Television channel in Canada. Might need to go with YTTV for YouTube Television.
Started doing this and I’ll never go back.
Pretty sure assassin roughly means person who you hire to kill people.
The difference is effectively one of motive and contract.
If I’m personally wronged by the victim and I personally plan to kill them myself, that’s first degree murder.
If I don’t leave the house intending to kill someone, but end up in a fight or situation where I end up intending to cause harm to someone (even if it’s protecting myself), and end up killing someone, that’s generally second degree murder.
Now if I’m wronged by someone, plan to have them killed, but don’t want to do it myself, so I set up a contract with a hit man and pay money to have a target killed. That’s assassination.
Canadian here. Chocolate company Laura Secord made a chocolate bar called the Royale. Or Mint Royale? Something like that. Basically a “solid” mint milk chocolate bar that would just melt in your mouth. Those things were fantastic.
When I was 16 (now late 30s for reference) they sold off the chocolate bar to Nestlé Canada. Who immediately changed the recipe to use, I assume, cheaper chocolate. Maybe cheaper everything. It was never the same and after a year or two they just disappeared, never to be seen again.
My first experience with enshittification I guess.
People keep correcting to anti-genocide but isn’t the word protest enough?
Protest: “the act of objecting or gesture of disapproval.”
If I protest genocide, I’m against genocide.
If I protest anti-genocide, I’m… Pro-genocide?
The original headline has so much doublespeak and mangled English to try to not say Palestine or Genocide.
This might not be super useful if you don’t write code but I always found the contest submissions fun to read and try to figure out for the https://www.underhanded-c.org/ contest.
They break down and explain the runner up and finalist for each year and how the attack works. It’s usually something very subtle that most people wouldn’t catch.
Kirkland Costco, admittedly 2-3 weeks ago. Something like $9.59 for two dozen.
Something between $9 and $10 on the price tag is what I remember.
No idea what it is now.