Fyi the word is don, not dawn
Fyi the word is don, not dawn
It looks like you’re incorrect
Joke explanation:
Au is the symbol for gold. So without the A, the cat only wants U
I wonder why restoring from a backup isn’t working?
Sometimes a regular manufactured item is better than a 3D printed object. Just use an old tupperware container
The reason you’re getting the replies that you’re getting is that the vast vast majority of men don’t do clothing in the way that you’re asking. Most men don’t do “up to date” style, most men do classic styles that always look good. If you want answers to current male fashion trends then you’d have to ask in a forum dedicated to male fashion
Manufacturers should make it so that it’s not possible to overtighten it. Like the grip of the screw will start to rotate freely around the base of the screw when the torque exceeds the correct tightness
Top pic is ai. The anatomy is all wrong. A real bat doesn’t have arms and hands, their wings ARE their arms and hands
Stare at the apple for 30 seconds and then close your eyes
Which is also not technology.
February is DEFINITELY the worst month of the year. January is bad but you can still somewhat be enjoying the relative newness of winter, pretty christmas lights are still up for awhile, and there’s the excitement of new years eve and the start of a new year.
February is when all the blah of winter really starts piling up, the cold overcast days drag on forever, the gloom suffocates your mood, everything outside is drab, and not only is there not a good holiday in february - but in fact there’s a bad holiday in february with valentine’s day.
I don’t want life to feel like it goes any quicker than it already does, but february makes a good argument for a skip to march
This is definitely not technology
Big Trouble - Mamalarky - 2020
It’s a real thing though
Yeah many Amish can use technology but just in restricted ways
If they’re a publicly traded company then they’re lucky no one knowledgeable ever noticed that sign, because iirc lying about sales numbers is a no-no that can get you in trouble and bring big fines
Why? The world will just move to a different standard, and although it would hurt rich people it also likely would cause a ton of problems for regular folk too
If you won’t try it then maybe that’s true. But I tried it, even gave it a full hour because it’s supposed to take 45 minutes for the algorithm to learn what you want to see, but even after an hour it was still showing me things i had little to no interest in.
Hm, the imgur app on Android has never crashed on my devices. Are you on iPhone?
NYC is going up to the 50’s this week! It’s gonna be the very low 50’s, and it’s just for a couple of days, and then it’s going back down to the 20’s again right after that, - but still! 50’s!