With ancestry, yeah, that’s going to suck and it’s the bigger database, but with familysearch, you’ve got an API:
Not sure what your limits are.
With ancestry, yeah, that’s going to suck and it’s the bigger database, but with familysearch, you’ve got an API:
Not sure what your limits are.
The data is mostly already there and publicly maintained. Ancestry/familysearch/etc should get us something interesting at least, data is a little bit light outside the us but someone would just need to go through it.
Not great things, but she did make it.
Not sure if the original dev is still involved, but the team has also renamed their company a few times and released (and abandoned in a somewhat broken state) a few other games.
Only when it helps to keep the poors in their place.
deleted by creator
Bit out of date, but it’s a framework to start with.
I like where your heads at, and I’m usually all for anything that makes it harder to be a Nazi. Like, seriously, how is that still a thing in 2024?
But, it’s one of those slippery slopes where you have to wonder how far you take the idea, and at one point does banning just Nazi symbolism slowly turn into banning symbolism of things the government just doesn’t care for today. It’s easy to say that “We stop at Nazis” but then it just takes one asshole saying “Oh, does that mean this other group isn’t so bad because we’re not applying it to them?”.
There’s very little to prevent them just pretending to be average users and very little preventing someone from just signing up a bunch of separate accounts to a bunch of separate instances.
No great automated way to tell whether someone is here legitimately.
mods could handle it more easily probably
I kind of feel like the opposite, for a lot of instances, ‘mods’ are just a few guys who check in sporadically whereas larger companies can mobilize full teams in times of crisis, it might take them a bit of time to spin things up, but there are existing processes to handle it.
I think spam might be what kills this.
I do kind of feel like this part of the experiment might just be coming to a close.
There’s no “if AI just keeps getting more insidious”, the barrier for entry is too small. AI is going to keep doing the things it’s already doing, just more efficiently, and it doesn’t matter that much how we feel about whether those things are good or bad. I feel like the things it is starting to ruin are probably just going to be ruined.
I’m not trying to make a value judgement as to whether this is good/bad/etc, but it is kind of amazing Iran is still able to throw any weight around on the world stage.
They’re not friendly with the US or most of it’s Allies obviously, but they’ve also made enemies of Saudi Arabia (and by extension Saudi Arabia’s allies). They have almost no powerful friends, at this moment in time, Russia might throw them a bit of help, but it looks like their only ally of consequence is India.
Yeah, there’s a lot of videos out there and they are definitely built like a prison. Very few of the inside, not sure if that’s good or bad.
As far as the US, considering the scale and purpose, not sure the two are that comparable, but also not really a contest, an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. I don’t disagree that both are a problem though, but definitely been a bit longer since anyone had a reason to accuse the US of mass sterilization. Did happen in US prisons too though, and a lot more recently than you might think, thankfully smaller scale.
You can go look at the camps if you want, it’s all available via satellite pictures:
Beyond that the best we got is probably all the Uyghurs talking about it.
Weird dude, but I do find it interesting that we always seem to find some problem with any person anywhere who speaks critically of China.
You can check the camps on satellite though:
It can be hard to find evidence beyond pictures that look pretty damning on those ‘education camps’ and first hand accounts of people who claim to have experienced things that we would usually refer to as part of a genocidal campaign. China is trying real hard to get to that point, It’s maybe the nicest way to wipe out an ethnic group, but primary focus past few years seems to be on forced implanted contraception and sterilization.
It definitely seems to be working out.
“Every person who isn’t a murderer is just a murder away from becoming a murderer. Timebomb!”
Never thought about it that way, welp, might as well get it over with.
I know this is a really common comparison, but I feel like this is also kind of weird. I personally believe both should be legal with obvious constraints in the realm of drunk driving/etc. Basically, do what you want with your body as long as you aren’t risking undue harm on others.
Main point though, I don’t feel like it’s a sound argument to equate the legality of alcohol to the legality of marijuana. Making either illegal is shaky on their own merits and trying to put both in the same category makes both look unfavorable.
It’s a shame, I was really pulling for ‘RIBWORLD’
Not in production.
There’s not a lot of dev time to go around at kbin.
Bar Keeper’s friend will get that out, I use it when things get especially grimy. I’ve used it on a similar tub before that was pretty gnarly with discoloration worse than that.
It is very abrasive though, be careful not to scrub so hard you damage it.