44, must have peaked early.
44, must have peaked early.
And it’s not creepy in the slightest that this handsome, successful, rich middle-aged celebrity stops dating these young women right around the age the brain fully matures…
I too was suspended for someone else’s actions. I was ambushed by a friend who found a box of 100 spoiled Philadelphia cream cheese containers (individual servings). He attacked me with said spoiled cream cheeses getting it everywhere, and I was the one who got suspended for causing a disturbance by smelling bad. My parents knew it was bullshit and took me to six flags one of the days I was home.
It’s all a racket here. The cost off the food is typically higher than the restaurants menu price, then there’s an upcharged service fee, separate delivery fee, and tip. So, by the time you’re done, you just paid double for that $12-15 item, and Uber eats is the worst of the bunch.
Just cut one of the handles and separate the mugs.
Nah, just crank sonar to max, and send endless pings until all the Willie’s are freed from life
I may or may not have been involved in an incident where a certain deserving individual ended up with a big black dildo suctioned and glued to the hood of their vehicle like an old hood ornament… they ended up cutting off the bulk of it, and I never heard how or if they removed the remainder.
I made a resolution about 15 years back to stop making resolutions… only one I’ve ever kept.
My gaming chair, while comfortable, is woefully under cushioned. I actually bought the exact cushion labs product in the picture and have spent many a long day sitting on it gaming away without any complaints besides it occasionally shifts on the chair. One of these days, I’ll upgrade to a better chair, but in the meantime, this was a quick, easy solution that has worked well for the last two years now.
You’ve got a raccoon in your walls. As cute as these little bandits are, their urine and fecal matter are on a whole different level. Breathing that in on a regular basis can lead to a slew of respiratory issues/infections. Once it has been removed It’s important to seal that area in killz primer or other similar type product.
What if having avocados forced upon me is what’s ruining my morale?
I used to treat them like the 15 item or less lane, but over the last year they have gotten worse as in you’re forced to scan more slowly than before, scales are even more sensitive, can’t pull the whole drop your reusable bag with the first scanned item anymore or it starts screaming about unexpecteditem in bagging area. It’s like they’ve gone full blown over the top anti theft settings to the point that it’s so frustrating to use them now that I hardly ever do anymore.
I created an epic account solely for the free games, which I claim and never play. Fuck Epic. I still haven’t forgiven them for ruining Rocket League.
Asking the real questions.
It doesn’t work on all systems, but you can try spamming the zero button. My bank has the most annoying robot assistant I’ve ever had to deal with, but I’ve learned if I hit the zero button everytime it asks me something after about 4-5 times it gives up and just transfers me to a person… I have had this work for other companies, but it’s hit or miss.
Dude is wearing a jock strap on the outside of his pants and wonders why no one will talk with him.
It’s certainly not a luxury sports car, but in the current state of things, I’d say all sports cars are expense as they’re rarely owned or operated as a primary daily drive vehicle. Owning a second car for fun certainly sounds expensive to me.
Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.
That’s probably going to do a similar moisturizing of the skin, keeping the itch away, though I’m not sure how that would affect the facial hair as far as conditioning goes. It just seems a lot more difficult than rubbing in an oil/balm that’s specifically designed for that purpose.
Not unless it’s fleshy.