Sitting in a poorly climate controlled warehouse, or spending too long in a truck/shipping container are probably the most common cases I would think.
Sitting in a poorly climate controlled warehouse, or spending too long in a truck/shipping container are probably the most common cases I would think.
I give it less than 50 years before global warming turns it into just another desiccated ruin, half buried by the sands.
You’re totally fine, forums and social media are made for the discussion and dissemination of information. Keep asking questions and keep on learning.
RCS stands for Rich Communications Suite. Its a standard developed by google to make texting more feature rich like dedicated messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram. Pretty much any stock android app uses it these days. If you want to know more here’s a pretty good explanation of it.
You could have answered them in the time it took you to write that comment.
Just… why? It’s like you want to be an asshole.
Fyi, your links are broken.
Public service announcement that this poster is a literal Nazi.
According to the article it wouldn’t have been much of a punishment.
“Thousands of bodies have been excavated, almost all flaunting rich bronze ornaments, typically worn by only the wealthiest,” Reschreiter said. “The remains bore the marks of hard physical labour from childhood, while also showing signs of unequalled prosperity.”
Edit: spelling
If you have an Asian grocery nearby, try getting a package of salted duck eggs. They’re boiled and packed in salt at the factory, so that the whole egg absorbs the saltiness trough the shell. They come individually vacuum sealed, so you can just cut it in half with a knife and scoop the egg out of the shell with a spoon, they’re delicious in ramen.
I really enjoyed this little tidbit “Pelham paced outside, holding a gun and yelling at police. He eventually went back inside and fired the gun several times. For their own safety, police left the property that night, and let Pelham sleep off his drinking.” He shoots at police and they “let him sleep it off”, any POC would be dead as a doornail if they so much as thought of the word gun in the presence of cops. But a white male insurrectionist can just sleep it off. This country is truly fucked.
NASAs budget in 2021 was $25b, but their economic output was $71.2b. NASA actually puts more into the economy than it takes to run. Between providing nearly 340,000 jobs and leasing patents on materials and technology developed in house, NASA more than pays their own way. Not to mention all the advancements in material science, medical technology, and engineering that they provide. NASA is well worth the investment we put into it, and IMO deserves much more.
Looks like a spanner nut and the cap appears to be a jam screw to lock it in place.
About time Ford is held accountable for their dogshit engines, although investigations should have started in the early 2000s. The Ford triton v8s of the late 90s and 00s were prone to blowing sparkplugs out of their cylinder heads (taking all the threads with them) so often that parts stores advertised the repair kits prominently. Ford never recalled a single engine for the problem and faced no repercussions.
Why do they need to use fresh water to fill the locks? I get that pumping salt water may come with a bit more maintenance but it just seems like a waste to use all that fresh water.
It would allow engineers to create glass panes for windows that not just darken on demand, but selectively filter certain wave lengths of light. The windows could filter out infrared light while allowing visible light through, which would keep buildings cooler without eliminating natural light. The compound, tungsten oxide hydrate, can can selectively absorb different wave lengths of light depending on the current and amount of lithium ions applied to the material.
Having a fan blow into your face really helps too. I cant play more than 10 or 15 minutes without one, but with I’m fine for hours.
And the distinction between those two is??? A religion is merely a cult that has gathered enough followers to go mainstream.
That’s the cool part about chemistry, when used in this synthesis the dichloromethane becomes a whole new (presumably safe, but we’ll see what further testing turns up) molecule. Sodium is explosive and Chlorine is highly corrosive, but combine them and you get regular old table salt. Just because a reagent is dangerous doesn’t mean the products it creates will be.
Edit: I just did a little research and it looks like 3,3′-Diindolylmethane (DIM) is safe for human consumption. It’s already sold as a dietary supplement. It’s marketed to help with metabolism of estrogens but we all know how “trustworthy” the dietary supplement market is.
Or sink the damn yacht.
I also use keepassxc with syncthing. It works great and syncthing allows me to sync any other files I want. Mines set to automatically sync my photos and documents as well as keepass.