I got a set of these kind of pans to christmas last year. At first I was sceptical but they are really easy to maintain and great for nearly everything. (you still need a real nonstick pan for a great omelette though)
I got a set of these kind of pans to christmas last year. At first I was sceptical but they are really easy to maintain and great for nearly everything. (you still need a real nonstick pan for a great omelette though)
If you like freelancer. Try Galaxy on fire 2. It’s one of the best mobile games ever in my opinion. The controls can be a little clunky but they balanced it with the enemies being as accurate as storm troopers.
Anything by Linkin park for me. I would also really like to fuck up a karaoke joint when they let me sing slipknot or drowning pool or something like that. Another great sing along song is radioactive by imagine dragons.
The D is so great for singing along. I am not capable to sing belzeboss without that little hand flick Dave does in the movie on: what’s the ca-ha-hash?
Well it turns out, if you give a shit and hire people that are passionate about the product they make, you make a good movie. And people like to watch good movies. That’s why dune worked. Because it was expertly done.
Das liegt bestimmt nur an deinen Spracheinstellungen. Vllt musst du da Mal angelsächsisch einstellen oder so.
The last weeks I played valheim on my own server with some friends. It was so relaxing. But now the newest patch broke all the mods we were using.
So now I play Jak II and wonder how my child self could manage drone of those missions. Damn that game can be hard.
Red Dead Redemption 2 what a game. As a dev myself it’s just awesome that there are still people respecting every inch of a video game. The animations, the story, the side activities, the acting, the underlying systems that are nearly prepared for everything. It’s just insane. I lived like a hermit in the woods when it came out.
RIF is fun
how are the AR applications for Godot?