Ah found in GitHub. For some reason I never put 2 and 2 together to automate YouTube video downloads. What a noob hah.
Ah found in GitHub. For some reason I never put 2 and 2 together to automate YouTube video downloads. What a noob hah.
Bit of both, the tool would be good to know mainly
Probably a silly question but where did you even find that?
It’s never really stopped.
But from the actions of those in power it seems they’re just plowing through climate change and making money whilst they can. Imagine the decision is we’re fucked anyway so let’s get mine whilst I can and see if it helps me survive.
So are cheerleaders illegal now?
I don’t think so in the cure of god as a single being.
I think there’s possibly some phenomenon maybe linked to quantum entanglement where everything in the universe is more linked than we realise and there’s some sort of awareness in that.
The pagan belief of nature as a God is probably the closest to something I’d agree with rather than modern depictions of god.
Man I’d forgotten about this.
This and vent were the first things I loaded when gaming (along with frapps).
I really wanted to watch this but I just couldn’t stick with it.
At the least I found my threshold for bad films.
Least it was with more salary, most of the time it’s just more work.
I don’t have any issues with teams - what makes it a dumpster fire to you?
Not overworking to maintain high performance is something missed or not cared about by so many companies.
It’s like taking care of your chickens gives them a better life so they produce better and more eggs so you make more money. It’s pretty obvious you take care of those you farm for your own benefit (as the rich farm us).