People pay a lot of money in fancy restaurants to have their food cooked in a plastic bag lol
People pay a lot of money in fancy restaurants to have their food cooked in a plastic bag lol
i dont know about that, most of the country tends to believe propaganda but i hope you are right
next they are goin to say anyone that supports luigi is a terrorist
He gotta make money some how. Can’t do it selling music
Ha, 4 years, yeah right. He is going to refuse to leave office
You had one job.
Yeah but that is not what happened. You are not celebrating him dying from a heart attack.
eat the rich
Ny tried to do it but courts stopped it
Celebrating the results of the crime is still celebrating the crime.
Wanna be dictators everywhere
eat the rich
That is how government is supposed to work.
He is doing Russian dirty work
Awesome, glad you decided to do your job after throwing the fight
Yeah, how else are they going to get people not fit to hold these positions in.
Liberals and the left are the same thing.
I thought they have to accept legal tender
Arrest little hitler