he keeps tweaking his resume, cutting it from 10 pages to two, then beefing it up to 24.
I’m no expert, but a 24 page resume?! I think I found your problem bud.
he keeps tweaking his resume, cutting it from 10 pages to two, then beefing it up to 24.
I’m no expert, but a 24 page resume?! I think I found your problem bud.
In metric you just look at the first digit:
0x is cold
1x is light jacket
2x is shorts weather
3x is hot
The Helen Keller conspiracy feels like it could be a real.
Not a huge fan of Stonemaier. In talking with the designer of wingspan, they were purposely keeping the game scarce to limit the designer profits and try to make a buzz around the game.
If you can get your hands on “Dole Whip Powder” it’s a great lactose free alternative that you can mix with water and make in a home churn.
Eventually, yes.
Look at every other tech, given enough time, the price becomes adorable. Considering this is a “generalized” cure to cancer, it’s likely highly profitable to get it to the point where ever body can access it. “Cheap”? No, but “affordable”.
I think it’s supposed to be a joke about the Clintons and Epstein.
Netflix the flamethrower!