Depending on the angle (a lot going on there) you could go with “denial”. As in, you’re lying, because if you’re bot, then my life sucked, and that’s unacceptable, so you’re lying.
Depending on the angle (a lot going on there) you could go with “denial”. As in, you’re lying, because if you’re bot, then my life sucked, and that’s unacceptable, so you’re lying.
Learning from Israel. The spyware is Cellebrite.
I would ask why the attack helos are in the “air force” category.
Other than that, there’s supposedly an old joke about two Soviet generals watching the tank parade drive down the Champs-Élysées, and one turns to the other and asks: “Say, Trofim, did we ever figure out who won the air war?”
If the healthcare is shit?
It almost sounds like a message from one of those cold war counting stations. “…55-65-% sign-tarif increase-chinese furniture-sliding rail…”
On the contrary, from Wikipedia:
Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, particularly the accepted beliefs or religious law of a religious organization.[1][2] A heretic is a proponent of heresy.[1]
Heresy is distinct from apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one’s religion, principles, or cause;
Atheism is not heresy. A heretic is a type of believer. You can argue you meant the colloquial usage as “divergent thought”, but that’s not the usage I used.
Either way, the point stands: not all Islam is the same thing, and the Tehran regime quite clearly has an easier time stomaching cooperation with secularists than with Sunnis.
I’m aware.
No, secularists are nonbelievers, possibly apostates. A heretic believes in the same religion as you do, just the wrong kind of it.
…Yes, the Ba’ath party is 100% secular, and Tehran would rather deal with secularists than with heretics.
Religion isn’t religion isn’t religion. Iran is Shia, “moderate rebels” are by and large Sunni.
They think they’re Aragorn and we’re orcs.
IDK, the “we only need to be lucky once” is a hell of a message.
The argument for Iran was that Mossadegh was “turning towards communism”. Same for Allende, same for Arbenz. Hell, just the concept of “domino theory” was all about stopping the spread of communism. Pretending they were some sort of equal opportunity saboteurs is deeply disingenuous.
"From each according to his capacity” is the absolute essence of exploitation.
…This is bait, right? It has to be, right? It’s such a profoundly ridiculous statement that it can’t possibly be anything else.
… Dude, I don’t know if you’ve heard about this thing, but it was pretty big. They called it “the cold war”.
…Wait, is Joe then also a child? Good grief, no wonder America went to shit, they let a fucking child be president!
Oh, this is a good one
Yeah, you’re probably right. They should try it a few more times just to be sure.
What makes you think they haven’t?