I say, “Just search it.” Not interested in being free advertising for Google.
I say, “Just search it.” Not interested in being free advertising for Google.
Wireguard, I find it both simpler and easier to use than OpenVPN.
dd. No other iso writing utility has worked as consistently, even if my usb devices would gain weird glitches after using it.
Believe it or not I am a person who goes out of their way to avoid using the terminal, so this is very much vouching for the software itself rather than the ux it’s based on.
My current phone lacks a headphone jack and I hate it. It would be okay if it was replaced with two usb c ports, but there’s only one which means I either choose between headphones or charging, or I must use an adapter. Or wireless, but I don’t want yet another fucking battery to charge.
There’s a world of difference between default, but optional, immutability, that can be freely augmented with admin privileges and a bit of learning; and a full on lockdown that’s tantamount to DRM that requires a person to make unsupported and security-compromising modifications to their entire system to bypass.
Also “the future of…” anything reeks of cult of inevitable progress. Things move and branch multidimensionally, and trying to shoehorn all systems into being the same is just pathological.
It’s weird that they would tout “disabling” apps as a gained feature. Like yeah it’s slightly better than bloatware being able to continue running with no recourse, but that ignores that the more original state of computers used to (and still do on x86 systems) do nothing to get in the way of the user being able to delete whatever the hell we want.
Snap is hot garbage, and Mint is Ubuntu without Snap, so much better.
Have you installed it recently? They fixed the common annoyances like missing nonfree drivers.
Why is Debian more difficult than Fedora? I could understand older versions, but these days they fixed pretty much all the small annoyances. No need to use the “nonfree” iso, because that’s integrated into the installer. And post install sudo works as expected out of the box. I’d say they should be equal.
Well fuck, now what toothpaste do I get?
That is a fair point. But then again, I don’t even remember the last time I was in a store that had honest prices.
This is one of those things that makes me feel the slightest bit more agitated and cynical towards people and society. We all know it’s manipulative, and that should be enough reason not to do it. So why does everyone who runs a business do it? Like yeah it does work, but is it really worth subtly eroding your own customer’s trust in you? There’s an invisible cost of goodwill here.
Middle Earth itself has been described as the “ring” that Morgoth poured his own power into. Since a river is an extension of Middle Earth, it means Morgoth really was the true Lord of the Rings.
Both health and ethics reasons. Healthwise coconut oil has even higher saturated fat levels than palm oil does, but both are quite high.
Ethics wise coconut is similarly not sustainable, at least not in terms of being yet another monoculture. I would say it’s arguably not vegan because of the harm that comes to animals and their habitats because of the coconut industry.
Yup, to be honest I’m surprised that Butler’s has zero direct competition. To the best of my knowledge there is no other whole-bean single-ingrediant meat substitute, all of the other closest competitors are tvp-based.
That’s where the soy curls come in. TVP would be a nice addition, but I lean more in favor of a whole-foods approach. TVP = chemically stripped soy, mostly protein. Soy curls are the whole beans boiled and reformed into a surprizingly incredible and versatile meat alternative.
As a vegan it might be strange and interesting to try to replicate the “authentic” Texas Red recipes. No beans, no tomato. The basic recipe would be an almost purely pepper-based stock, probably use both Beyond Ground and diced Beyond Steak. If I recall, the most original known chili recipe called for a substantial amount of added pig fat. I’m not big on high-fat foods in the first place, so to me it’s dubious whether to even include an alternative. But if I did, the most comparable choice would be coconut oil, but I avoid coconut/palm oil to the best of my ability, so probably a bit of added avocado oil would work best, though it’s worth noting that Beyond products are already high in one or the other of these (avocado Beyond is best). Spices don’t need to change.
But then, is that really superior chili? Sorry but midwestern bean and tomato/pepper extravaganza chili is way better, and will continue to be my main. But with some added crumbled soy curls? Gonna have to try that soon.
I lean in favor of rebirth, but via naturalistic processes rather than projections of our own moral wants. I don’t need a supernatural explanation to recognize that whatever is most irreducibly “me” was born at least once. Why would I assume it would only be once?
If we follow from that premise, we can also chart a kind of probabilistic, umm, not karma but something not far off: If we’re reborn after death, how do we determine what kind of life our next one is going to be? Pretty obvious actually, just look at what kind of life everyone has already. If, for example, only 1% of humans have an especially good life, it looks like there’s a a really slim chance any one of us is going to be the one who gets to have that kind of life.
By contrast, 99% of humans are living in increasingly bad conditions, lower wages, higher prices and virtually every economic card stacked against us, as well as *gestures broadly*. It’s remarkably more likely that anyone would be reborn as a 99 percenter.
But why should we assume that we would only ever be reborn as a human? The total human population right now is 8.2 billion. There are estimated to be about 20 quadrillion ants in the world. And more than 44 billion animals have been bred into existence and slaughtered for food this year alone. Are you more likely to be reborn a human, an ant, or someone else’s property?
There’s a consequence here if rebirth is the law of the land. It would mean that death is not an escape after all. The only way to give yourself your best chance of a better next life would be to put in effort to make the world better for everyone. There is no way out, only through.
The “what about plants” argument is such a thoroughly debunked joke argument that it’s amazing anyone would continue to make it. Eating animals and their secretions requires harming significantly more plants than eating the plants directly because animals need to be fed too, and animals as food is by far the least efficient and most environmentally destructive way to have a food system.
Context matters. In the ancient world starvation was a constant threat, so a source of concentrated calories like honey could in some cases be a matter of life and death despite the dangers of getting that honey. In industrial society we have in many cases the opposite problem - the majority of the top causes of death are lifestyle diseases which ultimately come down to overconsumption and sedentary lifestyles. Too much dietary fat, especially too much saturated fats, too much sugar, too much refined foods, too much concentrated calories, too much easily consumed liquid calories.
By contrast vegans by far have the easiest time maintaining balanced bodyweight levels.
If you all could learn to let go of your prejudice you might learn to recognize that doing the right things for animal’s rights is also some of the best things you could do for yourself. These “vegans” you hate so much are just trying to get you to stop self-harming.
Bad nutrition both in the comments and the FDA. :-\