“You take out on of mine…”
“I take out one of yours.”
You just know this is the guys delusion from blood loss while the serial killer preps him to be eaten…
Except those are grey market keys and Valve can just take the game away from you once they detect it.
He’s retiring and can help his one son. If I were him, I would have said “fuck it.” too…
Post reply settings also include sorting by oldest or newest replies, most liked, or a random setting labelled “Poster’s roulette”.
Sooo… You can change the setting.
Yeah I don’t get certain sub rules. For example on the VPN subreddit you couldn’t ask about or name ANY VPN companies. Like, what!? Then what the hell are we here for!?
That’s because their money cancelled out the shrooms.
Well, I guess if they couldn’t fuck with you in one way, they can fuck with you in another…
Fuck it I’m 53 with a bad ticker. I’ll watch hell descend while drinking a margarita on the beach.
Well to be fair, the bell riots happened on the way to Cochrane’s big test. Mind you, we now have WW3 to look forward to…
I’ve been listening to alot of Amateur composers like Boris Harazanov, Baltic House Orchestra, Mathias Fritsch and Filip Lakovic.
I grew up lower middle class in Rural Alberta Canada in the 70’s. I moved to a mid sized city in the beginnings of my teens. and one major thing that stuck out to me was the amount of swearing the city kids did. I heard more curse words in one recess than I pretty much did in my entire lifetime up to that point.
Not to say that we didn’t know swear words it was just REALLY frowned upon by every one. Adults didn’t swear in front of kids, and men/boys didn’t swear in front of girls.
“there was no Danger to my Chasis”
Well, I say it’s just good genes and nutrition.
However if he still looks like that 100 years from now, then we may need to have a conversation…
Oh man This post just awoke a REAL old memory for me. Growing up my dad had these two old beat up flashlights. I looked them up and found this https://www.etsy.com/listing/1027765511/eveready-no1359-safety-flashlight.
I always thought they had a cool design.
Beg pardon, but are you male or female?
As a fatty, I can agree with this sentence.