got it, thank you!!
got it, thank you!!
hey, I’m getting into this kind of repair. I have good soldering skills and am great at taking things apart, but do you have any tips on how to find the fault? even it’s just a blow capacitor, what am I looking for?
sounds easy considering I haven’t bought anything from Amazon in years
projection, mostly. they can’t imagine being in a women’s space without taking advantage of it, and they don’t understand that that’s a them issue.
Caddy all the way!
I don’t think ignoring a systematic issue can be put on the same level as actively enabling it. sure, previous presidents haven’t helped much, which is asking for a tragedy to happen, but trump has been pretty much forcing them to happen with these cuts.
indeed! im a computer science student who can’t read a graph, that’s tough haha
you’re right lol. at first glance I thought the y axis was in inches not feet. make sense now lol
doesn’t this suggest that my 27" monitor I sit a foot away from should just be 480p? that seems a little noticable to me
have you tried bottles? I’ve great luck with using it for windows only software and it’s way more user friendly than wine by itself.
don’t tune it out. there are people being deported, people afraid for their rights and their lives. people not paying attention is how we got the Holocaust
absolutely not. I’m not interested in bringing anyone into this world to die in the climate wars
can I short this?
underwear, deodorant, and toothpaste are commonly locked up where I’m from. it’s the most stolen stuff as it’s a basic need for the homeless
ahhh that makes sense. thanks for tracking that down! I guess I’m a minority in using the steam rpm, I just couldn’t get the flatpak to cooperate with Nvidia for whatever reason
surprised fedora isn’t on this list tbh
probably well known at this point but rsync is incredible and I use it all the time
maybe a tree or branch falling on it?
that makes sense. appreciate it!!