Only if it stands for motherfuckers standard buffet.
Only if it stands for motherfuckers standard buffet.
Uhh, why?
Cost is a concern then.
I’m including that in the “whatever you want” bit.
If you can basically do whatever you want and the cost is of little to no concern, you’re rich.
Thanks. 👍
That decade old one is 3TB. 😅
Everybody taking shit about Seagate here. Meanwhile I’ve never had a hard drive die on me. Eventually the capacity just became too little to keep around and I got bigger ones.
Oldest I’m using right now is a decade old, Seagate. Actually, all the HDDs are Seagate. The SSDs are Samsung. Granted, my OS is on an SSD, as well as my most used things, so the HDDs don’t actually get hit all that much.
I don’t have near enough notifications for that. I don’t know how people end up in those situations and do nothing about it. I get 1 notification I don’t want and that app no longer is allowed notifications. You’ve violated the trust.
You think that’s weird? They drink his blood and eat his flesh too.
I just get corded electric. Never have to worry about it running out of juice that way. Though, it does mean there are limits to what you can get.
Or you can just buy a cheaper one.
I’ve got quite a lot of moss in my backyard. The only downside is less traction. My backyard isn’t super hilly, but it’s no where near flat.
Would that make them compost faster?
It’s references all the way down.