About 75% of LED monitors give me a headache because I can see or “feel” then flickering. It sucks.
I had a coworker back in the in-office days who had these garbage-ass monitors and whenever I had to pair with him I’d end up with a debilitating headache.
Always Be Looking.
Honestly, early on, I wasn’t reliably finding them. But that lasted maybe 6 months?
If I have a 6mo contract for example, I’m still applying for a couple jobs every week. I’m keeping in touch with recruiters that don’t suck at their job and building rapport with them. I’m pinging prior coworkers and just seeing who/what they know is available.
Obviously, soft skills and resume matter too. I have enough buzzy technologies under my belt that it increases the breadth of jobs I can apply for, which helps.
Yeah, it was rough at first, but not like…I was destitute by any means. And now with enough of a network built up I’m relatively confident that even if shit hit the fan, I could find a job inside of 2 weeks.
If you’re in the US (or I guess anywhere?) - just make sure to account for taxes…