Honestly, I would just tell them
“No thanks”
Remember that no is a full sentence and you don’t owe an explanation to anyone. It’s not a part of your job, unless they pay you to attend. But they almost certainly don’t. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to not succumb to social pressure, it makes life so much better. Our free time is already very limited, so spend it how you want to. If they still try to pressure you into going/giving them answer you can say it’s something personal/private. And if they still pry further you could mess with them by making something up that makes them feel like a total jerk (this is pretty delicate, some people will definitely try to get revenge for this, even if it’s totally irrational. So think about it carefully, alternatively make them regret prying another way that doesn’t hurt them emotionally & socially)
Some people will not like if you behave that way, but try to live your life the way it fullfills you/makes you happy. There’s always gonna be people that don’t like or straight up dislike you, but fuck 'em. They’re not even worth thinking about when you’re busy enjoying life :)
Sorry for the wall of text. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents on the matter
No, AllowedIPs should be set to your internal Wireguards IP range to only allow access to your Wireguard peers. You could also add more like your Servers LAN for example (which will need packet forwarding, as I mentioned before)
Here’s an example of one of my client configs:
Address =
PrivateKey =
PublicKey =
PresharedKey =
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =
Just be careful to not mess up your subnet masks. For example my [Interface] Address ends with /32 because that only leaves In the [Peer] Section i set it to /16 which will allow the client to connect to 10.8.x.x iirc
Best is to just try it yourself and see if it works, I’m by no means good at networking stuff
Iirc setting AllowedIPs in your clients config should do exactly that. Their respective [Peer] entry in your servers config should also have the same AllowedIPs, otherwise they could easily circumvent this
Further finetuning should be really easy by using any firewall on your Wireguard server
If you want your clients to be able to access other devices in your servers LAN you need to setup additional packet forwarding rules though. Optionally setup NAT aswell
This is only really secure if your server is in a trusted location imo
gocryptfs is what I’d use for this. It’s designed with cloud storage in mind
Using strong encryption should be enough for your use case, unless you’re a high profile target. Even then, it’s more likely whoever is after you will try to get access to your unencrypted files instead because cracking strong encryption isn’t worth it most of the time
Iirc your cloud service provider could still figure out your unencrypted directory layout and filenames. You should really do some research on this if you wanna make sure you know all the risks
Good, hope they get banned in the EU so people will switch to competitors
Youtube uses VP9 for all resolutions most of the time. 1080p and below offer AVC as fallback encoding
That’s because for example Youtube uses a bitrate of 4-7mbps for 1080p. 1440p gets arround 13mbps and 4k something like 46mbps iirc
Other media providers are similiarly bad with their bitrates
Sounds like the HDD is dying, maybe check it’s S.M.A.R.T. status? Most drives have statistics for errors and such
JS is not slow.
Since JS is single threaded it can be pretty slow compared to anything being able to use multiple threads
I’m sorry, I forgot to mention that you have to press the PS button once after plugging it in. Did you do that?
If that doesn’t work try restarting Steam and look into your controller settings if it works there, if it does you’re good to go
Keep in mind that many games don’t natively support Playstation controllers. You can work arround this by emulating an Xbox controller instead (enabling your PS4 controller in Steam should do just that for Steam games). Or alternatively do this regedit edit in your games Wineprefix to achieve the same in any launcher of your choice
If all else fails it might be worth trying out ds4drv
Good luck my guy and (hopefully) have fun gaming! :)
According to this article on the Arch wiki PS4 controllers should work without doing anything. Just plug them in and start gaming 😉
That’s definitely possible but would make the host OS unusable while the VM is running afaik. Why not dual boot at that point?
With GPU passthrough you can get almost native performance. This requires 2 GPUs though (iGPU as second one should suffice), dunno about the input lag and stability though as I only have one GPU
Without it though? Not even worth trying
This has always been the case when “buying” things on Steam. Almost every digital good you buy is like that
Only thing that changed is legislation is finally catching up and these companies won’t be allowed to use the word purchase/buy anymore in the near future
Not with that attitude
I absotutely love zram. Makes my 32gb ram feel endless even when splurging it on things no sane person would ever need
Was kinda complicated to use a swapfile as backing device though
This was very informative
Hard disagree. Every time I’ve asked ChatGPT and similiar a question about things I barely understand its answer sounds logical at first. But after digging deeper into it it’s clear it doesn’t know shit and just spouts things that sound logical