Second Lawnchair. AFAIK it’s the only FOSS launcher that supports Graphene OS’ Private Space.
Critical tech enthusiast
Second Lawnchair. AFAIK it’s the only FOSS launcher that supports Graphene OS’ Private Space.
Might be worth taking a look at David Zindell’s “The Ea Cycle”.
“The Realm of the Elderlings” in general I’d say.
Unfortunately AnySoft Keyboard doesn’t seem to receive updates anymore, latest release dates back to 2022.
Switched to Heli Board now.
Thx for pointing out.
IMO the best way to keep one’s apps up to date.
Missing on my list - thx!
I’m donating on a monthly basis: To four NGOs and to the devs of the OS and apps I’m using regularly.
Works like a charm. Thx!
Attempting actually.
(Pixel 7 running GrapheneOS 2024120200 and Skymap 1.10.04 from github via Obtainium)
Unfortunately it won’t run without Google Play Services.
SOLVED as pointed out by THX!
Where would I find the Android releases of Stellarium to do so? Their github only hosts Linux, Windows and MacOS releases.
Looks to me like Stellarium mobile is closed source because they want to monetarize Stellarium mobile +.
On my mobile with GrapheneOS:
More FOSS apps on my notebooks with Fedora, but not on a daily basis.
In my personal opinion it’s significantly better! Though me testing /e/OS was in its early days.
Which device, OS, and app for F-Droid are you using?
I don’t get this error (using NeoStore on a Pixel 7 with GrapheneOS).
Opinions on that really differ es you might have read, too. I would look at the alternatives in general and choose a well maintained one.
Running GrapheneOS 2024111800 on a Pixel 7 I get notified, when updates where downloaded but still have to install them manually.