Can’t weight!
Subbed to find out what your month understanding will be
No matter what anyone says, you’re worth more than your productivity. And “deserves” is a “spook,” as Stirner would say. Everyone deserves nothing and everything, it’s always a matter of perspective. Almost everything is, meaning either almost everything is irrelevant opinion, or opinions are relevant and we can/must decide which to have.
Almost all chewing gum contains plastic, and as such stands to be a big source of microplastics in your body (and the environment, especially when not disposed of “properly”).
In the US, companies are allowed to list “gum base” in the ingredients when the “gum base” could mean anything - but it almost always means PVA (polyvinylacetate; a plasticizer).
Some gum marketed to people who realize this uses chicle, as gum originally did, or some other non-plastic, but it needs to explicitly state this. “Gum base” = “not telling you” = undoubtedly chewing microplastics into your body.
Still assuming “me” is a woman
The problem is that the “irrelevant” culture wars (identity politics, wedge issues) that don’t affect any given individuals directly are about important issues, and they’re being used by the rich as hostages. We can’t help but care about those issues, even if they don’t impact us directly, and the rich are using them as human shields while they take our watches and wallets and force us to sign over our properties
Little princess?
A second grade teacher called 911
It was tongue-in-cheek, along with “unfortunately”
Why open carry and telegraph your capabilities? Just shoot them from a concealed carry position. Maybe you just learned the term and wanted to use it in a sentence.
“Family farms” are simply operators of big agriculture’s bidding, the latter having complete regulatory and market capture.
That’s a quote from the comment you didn’t read…
Accept that you’re misinformed or deliberately misleading. There are no other options, sorry. “Family farms” are simply operators of big agriculture’s bidding, the latter having complete regulatory and market capture.
“Only four corporations—ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Dreyfus—control more than 75 percent of the global grain trade. They overwhelmingly push commodity crops like corn and soy on local farmers at the expense of native crops.”
“the vast majority of cows in the United States live on factory farms. Factory farms depend on cheap and unsustainable animal feed, such as corn and soy, to maximize profits at the expense of animal welfare.”
“Factory farms now account for 72 percent of poultry production, 43 percent of egg production, and 55 percent of pork production worldwide.”
This is the epitome of projection, FYI. All this wasted energy and impotent vitriol, railing against a non-existent evil (“the vegan industry?” seriously sad), defending the (actually malignant) status quo for free. It’s exhausting feeling so sorry for you
Lol butthurt misinformation troll
By “fuse” do you mean “circuit breaker?” What do you mean by checked for power, are you saying you put a multimeter on the light’s cord and the light switch, with the circuit energized, and aren’t getting any signs of electricity?
The pictured dude in the article is apparently
Tim Smartt, the lawyer for Jacob Hersant, arriving at court in Melbourne, Australia, on Friday
and not the shithead himself. But I don’t disagree
Hanlon’s razor, to be precise !