Quillpad on android + Qownnotes in linux + nextcloud sync
Use Authenticator by Gnome. It is best. You can also import from aegis
You can setup anonaddy or duckduckgo with bitwarden to generate alias emails automatically. The best setup we get for free.
Mixplorer has support for encfs
Signup to filen. Good cloud storage for free.
I created filen account using https://filen.io/r/d5a92a596e8518e27b0db303e73e8107 so i got 20 GB storage. And it has linux appimage also.
I am using https://github.com/39aldo39/Flym-DecSync. It is not updated recently. But it is the best I got from Fdroid after trying almost all.
I am using filen for cloud. It has E2EE and gives 20 GB if you use below link. I think it is a good deal. https://filen.io/r/d5a92a596e8518e27b0db303e73e8107
Try Flym Decsync
I have arch and I can also copy files. I use Documents as file manager on ipad.
Could you please provide complete example of how to use it in nixos. I thought input.lurker.url line was in flake.nix but it gave error