Kids should never have been on Reddit, imo. Not because of their comments or the content they produce. But Reddit, and I guess social media in general, is for someone who can think critically and has some experience in life. Because there is so much garbage on there.
There are absolutely kids under 10 using Reddit right now, and they’re getting introduced to the adult world by some of the sleaziest dysfunctional adults around. And even if they don’t get that deep into Reddit, it’s still not a healthy place for them. It’s not healthy for adults, we all know that, but kids on Reddit are growing up with it as a major contributor to their worldviews.
You know, it’s basically GIGO. Adults can, in theory, understand that what Reddit says is opinion (often extreme and bizarre opinion) and not fact, but kids won’t.
I had to look this up, couldn’t believe it. I’ve been pretty indifferent to Musk and Twitter…cause I’ve been always indifferent to Twitter, but this is crazy. As an example, my city’s police and bus services and others all use Twitter to send updates out. And I’m sure it’s the same for most places. And now they’ve essentially lost the ability to mass communicate with people, because they need to be able to reach everyone not just those with an account.