Stuff like this and the “base” he has created give off pretty harsh trump vibes. Here is a link confirming for those wanting one. Sorry I did not include it originally.
Stuff like this and the “base” he has created give off pretty harsh trump vibes. Here is a link confirming for those wanting one. Sorry I did not include it originally.
I’m usually reluctant to judge a person I’ve never heard of before based on one quote with no context. Regardless, I’m pretty comfortable saying that this guy can go fuck himself.
I don’t no anything about him but fuck him in the eyes until he’s blind. I’m tired of racist pos getting to open their mouths and not have any consequences.
Canada’s next Prime Minster right there folks.
Oh god I hope not.
Unfortunately it seems likely. I don’t think Trudeau should run again, he has lost any charm he once might have had with many voters and has too much baggage. Liberals are doomed if he runs, but they might have a chance with a fresh face.
Said it before, will say it again. I’ll vote for a chimp in a red shirt if that’s what it takes to keep this guy from being the PM.