I think it’s strange you never knew
There are few songs I can listen to on repeat for hours at a time… This song is in that short list
Truth. It’s such an iconic and personally resonating piece of my early adulthood. Brings back so many memories of spring/summer and vividly. ✨🔥
(Not to mention that she, along with Bjork and a few others, sculpted my taste in women back when. Unf. C’est la guerre.)
Shirley Manson?
More like Tori Amos, but in a pinch?
Yes, the cornflake girl—I’ll agree, but Shirley was more than a pinch for me.
Shirley + Janet Munro (Darby O’Gill lead) + Heather Carolin pretty much cinched my fate in the 90s to fall for a forthright redhead.
Over and over, yes, but eventually, too. 🤪
There’s a lot going on here—and I’m with you, most of the time, but holy shit you’re pulling some referneces—Darby O’Gill? Does anyone know that? I know it as some sort of fever dream. There was a banshee.
Shiiit, I didn’t Even know Connery was her co-star until I was in my 20s, she was that gawdamned hot.
Such a great song. Looks like Hope Sandoval (lead singer) is still performing. Cool!
This reminds me huH magazine (in 1994) … $1 a month, including lots of great articles AND a CD of music like this. Strange anomaly.
This is the exact video I watch every couple years. Was never a real fan of them, but I like this song.
I usually listen to electronic stuff nowadays but I used to love this song. Thanks for reminding me about it!