No love for the rubber ducky isopods?
Much Love from me for them (i have them myself)
I saw them on a terrarium YT video (Serpa design?);
I don’t have any, but I gotta say, they are my favorite isopods now.
It’s crazy that the cutest one was left out
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Great. My daughter loves them.
They’re great in a chowder
Jelly beans that make you say, “Wait these aren’t jelly beans”.
After eating some: “they taste much better than jelly beans”
Saw a video once about cooking these. Apparently they taste like shrimp.
All crustaceans tastes the same I guess like how all land animals taste like chicken
“Tastes like chicken” is because we made them taste generic, as a side effect of them growing much faster. “Chicken of Tomorrow contest”-effect.
It sucks knowing nature invented the perfect life form shape before we even evolved.
We’ll get there eventually
Thank you, I hate it.👍
I’ll never understand how anyone likes the taste of the black ones.
I like the vanilla taste one.
jelli belli rat gummi
Bit crunchier than I remember them being as a kid. Then again, what isn’t these days.
I’m still looking for that spinning wheel that tells me if I’m eating pear or grass.
Shellac flavored