Kia ora!
I’ve been an ios user for 100 years at this point, but used to be deep in the android scene before then. I’ve just got an android for a work phone and am wondering what’s changed in the last 10 years - what are your essential apps, settings, customisations? I’ve had a hunt around xda but can’t seem to find much in the way of roms for my model (Samsung A04) - back in the day it seemed there was a thread for every device!
What do I need to know?
If osmand is the best nav/map app you’ve used, how many have you used?
I think organic maps is better for navigation, or if you’re willing to use a closed source app magic earth uses openstreetmap data but also has traffic data and makes it really easy to flag closed roads and other hazards while you’re enroute
Google Maps, Apple Maps, Organic Maps and OSMAnd+. Although Im very willing to admit that “best” is highly dependent on my rather specific personal preferences. Being FOSS gives OSMAnd+ a big plus (hehe), but I also have an interest in GIS, which it is quite good in, since its a rather information dense app. From the sometimes absurd categories that you can search for (e.g. “abandoned”, which is great to search for Urbex targets). I also love the bonkers level of personalization you can achieve with OSMAnd+, considering that the alternatives have very little options on mobile phones.