It feels nice to see people express themselves with an icon and banner of something they like instead of how homogenous the icons are on Reddit, unless you paid up of course. At least that’s how I feel. Definitely an unexpected pro.
I used old reddit and RIF. I don’t think I ever actually saw someone’s snoo icon thingy. A lot of the new reddit stuff just passed me by.
Same boat. I thought those were something you had to go to somebodies profile to see.
Anytime I saw new reddit I think I blocked it out of my mind entirely, like an eldritch horror
New reddit is just so dang ugly. I would see it sometimes if I was not on a browser with RES installed and me logged in. I don’t know how anybody can use it. I guess new people don’t knnow any better, but anyone from the Before Times who uses new reddit scares me.
I literally never saw new reddit for more than 5 seconds like every other year when I would install a new OS or get a computer or something like that.
I just used it to file a CCPA data request before deleting my account and Jesus fucking Christ is it bad.
Interesting perspective. I only joined after the new UI was implemented, so I didn’t even take that into account. What did you see instead, or did old Reddit just not have icons at all?
As I recall, we didn’t have anything.
Never really thought about it, but you’re right the Snoo icons lack a lot of personality compared to traditional pfps