Hey everyone,
I am exploring switching over to Linux but I would like to know why people switch. I have Windows 11 rn.
I dont do much code but will be doing some for school. I work remote and go to school remote. My career is not TOO technical.
What benefits caused you to switch over and what surprised you when you made the switch?
Thank you all in advanced.
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Word is Microsoft quietly killed Cortana, so Windows has that going for it now!
They are just gonna replace Cortana with the gpt4 powered assistant
Windows still got 99 problems, but that bitch ain’t one.
I was around when Clippy died. Fuck that bent piece of recycled pop can.
Then they gave us Cortana.
Just wait till they bring it back, now powered by Chat GPT!
Cortana had funny jokes, and would actually do passable imitations of characters like Darth Vader, but that was the only thing I ever used it for.
Things you mentioned about windows before “etc” can actually be disabled through group policy or other means. It’s an annoyance nonetheless. But after ~30 minutes of tweaking after a new install, windows is not that bad these days.
Anyway, if I don’t play games I’ll probably be Linux all the way. Most things today are web based anyway.
But how is gaming on Linux nowadays, if you may elaborate? I have top of the line hardwares but the games I play easily max out their usage. I know there are things like translation layer, but I’m afraid the performance hit may be not ideal…
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I have a lower-mid tier (Ryzen7 2700 or 2700x, I don’t exactly remember right now, Nvidia GTX 1650, 16gigs of RAM,) and I can game just fine at 1080p. Granted I’m not exactly worried about 4K or 666 FPS or whatever the hardcore gamers are into these days, but most games work well with proton and steam. Some even run better through proton than they do in Windows natively.
But linux uses more power…
I don’t have ads within my OS or start menus, I can do whatever I want with it, I can customize it with different desktop environments, if I mess anything up and need to clean install I don’t need to worry about license keys.
Also chicks dig penguins.
Also chicks dig penguins.
And foxes
The telemetry and ads baked into windows. I’m so sick of ads creeping into every corner of my life
Apparently, if you go through the “privacy” settings in Windows and turn everything off, it still collects more data than KDE with all telemetry turned on 🤯
And there’s a chance they turn it all back on with an update.
YES this.
Back when I was on Windows 10, I meticulously deleted all pre-installed crap (candy crush, Netflix, etc.), and turned off all tracking, ads, etc.
About a month later they pushed a major update and all those pre-installed apps were back, with more. All the settings I turned off were reverted.
I won’t ever go back. The only games I really can’t play are all online (League, etc.), and TBH good riddance. Wasn’t adding value to my life anyway.
I switched because after every Windows update they reset some settings and installed tiktok icons.
Also, when i blocked OS from pinging home every time i clicked start, it made windows freak out to a point where it affected PC performance.
I am tired of being treated like a cattle as paying customer.
PopOS was free and respects its users…
installed tiktok icons? seriously? lmao
I got tired of windows pretending it knew better than me what i wanted, whether that was updates or security scans or fuck knows what else.
The final straw was when they shitted up the start menu with garbage and tried to shove their app store down my throat. At that point i was done.
That start menu is so bloated it takes time to load.
yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous. Whoever decided that the start menu, of all things, needed to be encrusted with garbage should have been fired on the spot.
But they get to advertise NETFLIX! Guy probably got a bonus.
The sad thing is, they probably did get a bonus, then set about how to further monetize it
For me it was the philosophy behind Free (as in freedom) software. Call me a Richard Stallman fan, but I would love to live in a world were everyone is free to:
- Run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
- Study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
- Redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
- Distribute copies of your modified versions to others.
Learn more at fsf.org
Call me a filthy casual or whatever, but I use Windows, Linux and macOS equally. My preference is Linux but I don’t limit myself by just pretending the other two options don’t exist :)
Nah, I’m with you too.
Sorry but you aren’t special, everyone here already used windows or Mac and the fact that I’m not using other systems righr nowmaybe is more related to I not liking/needing it than pretending they do not exist.
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I have to use Windows for work, and I choose to use Linux for all of my personal devices. Windows is trying very hard to corral me into using bing, edge, cortana, etc. and gets in my way when I try to use the tools I prefer instead. It intentionally obscures what its doing with updates and security. That is unacceptable. This is my computer, not theirs.
No Linux distro that I’ve tried does any of that shit. They have never tried to push my behavior in one direction or another, they aren’t watching everything I do to help their product teams develop an even more annoying desktop. The various Linux distros I’ve used have felt like nothing but a way to let me use my damn computer.
I do have a small partition with Windows on it to play the occasional game I can’t run on Linux with Proton. Thanks, Valve!
You can make your computer your own. You bought it, you deserve control for it, you do not need a corporation to decide things for you.
The benefits of Linux is that you can simply multitask much better, and do things more efficiently. It’s honestly not the same and the two are just not comparable, but not everyone can appreciate or take advantage of that.
For an inexperienced person to set it up, of course it’s not that simple. Those that are comfortable with Windows find all of these benefits trivial over the perceived amount of effort to transition.
For an experienced person like me, Windows is much more of a nuisance to set up. I really like my setups clean, I just can’t stand how dirty Windows gets. To clean your system effectively, you’d have to reformat it. There are things like Scoop, MSYS, Docker, etc. I had to use Windows on my laptop for school. The way I use Windows is like how I use Linux, except Powershell commands are just non-intuitive. It just feels really awkward over Bash.
My reasons:
- You can completely customize linux to your liking. In win it is hard to customize even such a basic thing as keybindings.
- You can fully control what is installed, win had tons of stuff, that cannot be uninstalled.
- Things like proprietary software, telemetry etc. is opt-in, no need to deal with windows spying on you for example
- System is leaner, less bloated (you can fill it with processes if that is what you need ofc)
- Dev environment is a lot more comfy than linux
The biggest downside:
- Gaming is rough around the edge, even though it gets better and better.
It’s just a better operating system. It stays out of the way and doesn’t bother you with a billion alerts about shit, and it doesn’t update your computer when you don’t want to, it doesnt install ads you don’t want…
I could go on but you get the picture. Linux is freedom from dealing with Microsoft shit all day.
Windows: This pc belongs to Microsoft and you will use it how we say you can use it.
Linux: Your wish is my command.
I was writing just writing some code one day. I then realised something, I needed to press " key twice. I thought my keyboard had died, but the behaviour was consistent so that’s unlikely. Then I realised what happened. Windows had installed and set English international as the default layout, and I was unable to switch it out in settings. Even if I manually switch to English us, it would eventually go back. And editing the registry to remove it just made all windows system apps shit themselves.
Now at the same time, I had a laptop. It had an update pending for a few weeks, but the update kept failing and hence I had not allowed it to update this time. But as I open up my laptop to code on there with the right keyboard layout, I see the update screen. THE LAPTOP WAS NEVER TURNED OFF, and it was plugged in. I waited and waited till it finally failed yet again.
Also shortly after one more of these attempts was made my windows which wiped my encryption keys and made my system unbootable or recoverable.
I had used Linux on a Chromebook before with custom firmware, all my dev work happend in wsl, and I had did a lot of projects on the raspberry pi, so for me the logical step was to completely wipe my SSD and install Linux mint. That happened about 4 years ago and I have not ever thought of leaving Linux. I did switch to arch though, so I use arch btw.
I think the straw that broke the camel’s back for me was when I learned msvc compiles telemetry calls into every binary.
It took a few years after that incident for the linux gaming ecosystem to mature to a point that I could switch over entirely, but I’m there now. EVERY time I use windows now, I groan at something it tries to do without me asking. It’s so nice knowing that my PC will only do what I ask it to now, and that I won’t get pushed into yet another garbage UI overhaul I didn’t ask for.
When Windows decided to auto update in the middle of an important meeting without any prompt;
when I download files overnight and the fan takes off at midnight by its telemetry process;
when it gives me a full screen ad trying to change my system settings and stops me from entering the system on time;
when the system starts to integrate with ads from the browser to the taskbar.
It’s not because how good Linux is, it’s because how bad Windows has become.So I left after my little checklist of must-to-haves is fulfilled. With no regrets.