Meanwhile Telegram is one of the most effective and bullshit-free social networks, way more popular among certain audiences than Meta, X, and other garbage.
Oh, I should’ve mentioned the location. I’m not talking about the US.
It is widely used by tech people and people from Eastern Europe and Middle East. Effectively everyone I know from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Turkey and India use it.
Meanwhile Telegram is one of the most effective and bullshit-free social networks, way more popular among certain audiences than Meta, X, and other garbage.
By “certain audiences” do you mean poorly educated, racist whites?
deleted by creator
Oh, I should’ve mentioned the location. I’m not talking about the US.
It is widely used by tech people and people from Eastern Europe and Middle East. Effectively everyone I know from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Turkey and India use it.
Effective? Yes. Bullshit-free? Hell, noo.