Republicans sure do sympathize with traitorous slavers.
Republicans constantly remind us that the Confederate slave owners were in fact Democrats and that they freed the slaves from the evil racists liberals.
So if it’s a monument to the Democrats that lost their lives to defend racism why exactly are they scathing mad about it being torn down again?I mean I know why, and you know why, but how would they respond if asked the same question?
Every time someone tries to pull this nonsense just remind them that it was the South who owned slaves, the South who fought a war over slavery, and the South who is filled with idiots who get raging mad when you pull down the monuments to their treason. The labels don’t matter at all.
You can’t apply reasonableness and common sense to crazies. Much like their religion, they have absolutely no problem with contradicting themselves from one sentence to the next.
They’ll, with a completely confident look, repeat the impossible. And blame you for not understanding if you point out it is impossible.
But of course Democrats of that time weren’t liberals at all.
Memorial to traitors of the United States to be removed from United States property despite other traitors objections.
Good. Die mad traitors.
Virginia governor Youngkin wants to move the memorial to Virginia. I wonder who his voting base is…
It’s already in Virginia, they’re moving into a rural battlefield historical site
Good. 40 GOP congresspeople object. Last I checked 40 is a tiny sliver of congress, even of just the GOP members.
Call down, conservatives… they’re reinstalling it near a parking lot off the 110. The DOT is short of urinals and this is the most cost effective way to get the monument filled with enough piss to make things right.
I’ll be at the reinstall event handing out coffee and other diuretics.
The flag of losers since 1865
Good riddance to it.
I don’t believe that any person of color should have to live on or work at an installation named after someone who believed that owning other human beings was appropriate and then fought for that belief.
I’m in whole hearted agreement with the renaming of our military posts named after Confederates.
That said, I’m not in favor of this removal, we as Americans must never forget, and memorials like this are an in-your-face reminder of what happened and the appalling legacy of slavery. My preference would be that it stayed with some educational materials nearby as a constant reminder of people behaving horribly.