I remember a while back Apple filed a patent that allows concerts to disable iPhones cameras if a certain signal is emitted from the stage. Apple never implemented this, but my pessemistic ass always try to think of worse case scenarios, like being used by government. Do you think this could occur in the future?

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36672001

You can search “Apple Concert Disable Camera” and find more about it.

  • Fizz@lemmy.nz
    2 years ago

    Authoritarian states do use their power to cut off internet connection to prevent people communicating or getting the word out about atrocities.

    I don’t think American police Jam signals specifically but they do spoof cell tower signals to man in the middle people’s phone traffic. The government hacks people’s phones. They arrest people who protest or expose government crimes. It would be tough to get away with preventing people from recording a police crime because the videos happen and spread so fast.