My fingers just keep pressing Ctrl+T, r-e-d, enter, before I jolt awake and think “I told myself I would not do this!”. I may have a problem.
I use reddit on desktop and lemmy on mobile. Life is about choice.
I replaced my Reddit app (boost) on my Homescreen with jerboa so muscle memory will always take me here And to be extra sure I paused the Reddit app so if I try to open it I would get a popup from Android if I am really sure
So to answer the question: since replacing the app on the Homescreen not a single time
Only one time yesterday to check if the blackout began and I thought I had my reddit addiction under control. But today I unintentionally clicked on reddit a couple of times :(
I keep going back to watch it all fall apart. I’ll stop going once the API access is gone and I can’t use RIF anymore.
If you use Firefox, you can set a keyword for a bookmark, so when you type red, it will take you to that bookmark.
I deleted the app on my phone. I rarely used the website so no problem.
None, I logged off my account to prevent “unintended” logins while opening the browser and I started my “personal” blackout during reddark stream (I’m not a mod so I didn’t have any task to do on it).
I’m not feeling any need to go there either, I feel busy here and that’s nice.
I had to set to be the default in libredirect.
None yet, replaced the reddit app icon on my home screen with a Lemmy app instead. So, I’ve “accidentally” used Lemmy 😅
None I put Jerboa in the same spot as my reddit app on my home screen. I used my muscle memory to my advantage.