“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.”
“Oops…” [misses giant red button with finger]
“Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!”
I’ll make my own *insert item heref with blackjack and hookers Why not zoidberg And somehow Champagne has become unironc in my vocabulary now 😂
She’s built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro
Good news everybody!
I trust the orgy pit has been scraped and buttered *giggles"
“I have an idea!”
“I have a better one.”
It’s so casually mean 😅
“No fair, you changed to outcome by measuring it”
When can we have some Slurm?
Aww, that’s not soon enough.
When can we have some Slurm?
Aww, that’s not soon enough.