The Singularity is a hypothetical future event where technology growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to unpredictable transformations in our reality[1]. It’s often associated with the point at which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence, potentially causing radical changes in society. I’d like to know your thoughts on what the Singularity’s endgame will be: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction, and why?


  1. Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It’s actually up to you!)

  1. ↩︎

    2 years ago

    I believe collapse is inevitable. More interesting is what comes after. If we reach true AI before the collapse, it could go either way afterwards but I’m hoping people will create a better society from the ashes.

    At least for the time we’ll have left, because AI or no AI, climate won’t be getting fixed any time soon.