Hi everyone. I know there on tons of posts on the old sites threads about the mechanics of swapping from smart things to HA. Just wondering if you all have any advice on other things that might come up?

I’m about to move in to a new house. I have an instance of HA working on a little pc. I have tons of smart bulbs connected to ST, hue and others. My wife is an angel, so I probably have a good amount of time to get this right, but I also want her happy lol.

Anything I should look out for? Any personal nightmares of making your own swap? Thanks

  • connelhooley@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I migrated from ST to HA this year and haven’t looked back, I got Home Assistant running and then took a big bang approach by unpairing everything from ST and then paired them to HA, I then wrote all my automations again, took a couple of days before everything was working again, I have 44 devices so didn’t take too long. I also had 2 ZWave devices otherwise everything would’ve worked off a single dongle which was annoying.

    Best of luck with the migration!