I noticed there’s a lot of " This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot." Post. And I am wondering why?
I dont really understand why these are popular. The bots are only copying the OP Post and not the comments.
I noticed there’s a lot of " This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot." Post. And I am wondering why?
I dont really understand why these are popular. The bots are only copying the OP Post and not the comments.
I know right. Lemmy is not Reddit. If you miss Reddit so much, go back
Maybe they don’t want to give Reddit traffic, or use their god-awful first party app but still see the content posted.
Then they can either use teddit, libreddit, or spin up their own instance to clog up. This is a solved problem already. Heck if they just want the headlines all they need to do is subscribe to the RSS feed from reddit.